Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 Annual Lodge Historical Report

Harmony Lodge No. 21
F. & A. M

2023 Annual Lodge Historical Report 

2023 AD (our 107th year) has been a year of growth for Harmony Lodge No. 21 under 
Worshipful Master Kurtis B. Payne’s leadership. The focus for the year has been on 
brotherhood and improving our ritual proficiency and floor work. Stated meetings 
were well planned and focused on getting the lodge business done quickly, with efforts to 
share education with brothers and have esoteric discussions and lectures on masonry.


Under the direction of Worshipful Brother Timothy Fellows, Deputy Grand Lodge 
Lecturer, practices were held every week, excluding holidays and stated meeting nights. 
The first half hour to forty-five minutes was focused on helping new brothers work on 
their catechism proficiency. The next several hours were dedicated to practicing and 
learning each of the degrees for those acting in their various roles. These practices 
proved to be quite fruitful. The lodge performed 9 degrees throughout the masonic 
year, where five new brothers were initiated into our great fraternity, and four brothers 
were passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. We appreciate the help and support of Brothers 
Steven Lancaster, Joseph Milner, Kim Passey, and Zachery Johnstun for their assistance 
on some of these degrees. Three raisings and a passing are planned for the beginning of 
2024 to continue progressing these fine brothers.


In May, were were informed of the passing of Brother Carl D. Fortune, Sr., who had laid 
down his working tools by his son, Brother Carl D. Fortune, Jr. Carl had been living with 
his son in Texas while maintaining a residence in North Logan. Brother Carl had been a 
long-time member of Harmony Lodge No. 21 and Five Points Lodge No. 1137 in El 
Paso, Texas, a Hiram Award recipient, a mason for 65 years, a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite 
mason, a Past Worth Matron in OES, and a Shriner. He will be greatly missed. Several 
brothers got together with Carl, Jr. when he came to North Logan to help transfer his 
father’s belongings to a moving van that he took back to Texas and to reminisce on 
Brother Carl Sr.’s memories.